A post-apocalyptic, post-gender society at the end of empire. A “Mad Max” world in which titles and prophecy mean nothing. And everything.
Unsex Me Here leans towards the subtle, the intimate, and the personal,. . .O'Brien brings fine-drawn nuance to Lady Macbeth right from her first scene . . . O’Brien and Stone generate palpable chemistry and tension . . . Stone's reaching out reflexively to touch Lady Macbeth after hearing of her death is one of those small but effective and memorable moments that characterize this production . . . Vaughan is excellent as Macduff . . . This casting experiment imparts new energy to familiar scenes . . . One hopes that it won't require an apocalypse for us to begin to rethink gendered normativities (including their reinforcement through language), and Unsex Me Here: The Tragedy of Macbeth provides an entertaining starting point with a singular (re)vision. — Thinking Theater
starring: Kiebpoli Calnek*, Hope Cartelli, Rebecca Comtois, Ivanna Cullinan,* Alex Guhde, Bob Laine, Mick O'Brien* Derrick Peterson*, Kimberly Singh, Moira Stone* , Adam Swiderski, Kristen Vaughan
Costume Design: Karen Flood Set Design: Mike Mroch Light Design: Charlotte McPherson Sound Design: Eric Nightingale Prop Design: Berit Johnson Fight Choreography: Adam Swiderski Movement Consultant: Scott R. Sheppard
Stage Managed by Berit Johnson Photos by Jason Falchook and Kent Meister *member AEA